Glutathione is inarguably the most powerful antioxidant on the planet. It is often referred to as the mother of all antioxidants. In fact, the doctor who discovered glutathione was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Why all the hype?
Glutathione is required, created and used by EVERY cell in our body. It is one of the only antioxidants that can cross the blood and brain barrier and is often referred to as the “anti-aging antioxidant!”
So many people just like you who are looking to gain more energy, mental clarity and age backward are adding a glutathione boost to their iv vitamin drips at LiVenUp!
By now, you may be asking, if my cells already make glutathione, why do I need to take extra? The reality is that as we age, our glutathione levels start to deplete. By taking glutathione intravenously, we can reverse the effects of aging on our glutathione levels which by consequence can reverse so many of the physical effects of aging that we can both see and feel.
You may also be wondering why you can’t just take a glutathione tablet from your local drug store. The truth is, while glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants, it is also one of the most unstable. It is very sensitive to temperature, light and has a notoriously short shelf life.
This problem is further compounded by taking it orally. When we take it orally, it’s mostly broken down by the acids in our stomach. What little is absorbed by our bodies oxidizes very quickly making it almost useless.
At LiVenup, we solve both of these problems for you. The glutathione we use is created specifically for us at a local compounding pharmacy we have researched and trust. We pay careful attention to ensuring that it is transported and stored properly and is never administered past its expiration date. You are getting the best quality glutathione possible and by administering it directly in the bloodstream you are getting the best possible benefits.
Speaking of the benefits of glutathione- Here are our favorite 4!
Glutathione Reduces Oxidative Stress!

Every day our body is exposed to physical stress. This can come in the form of pollution, heavy metals, vaccinations, antibiotics, disease, poor diet, illness, emotional stress and so many more. But, it can also come from a lot of things that may seem very positive like sunlight, buying a new home, starting a new relationship or exercise. When our bodies are exposed to stress, it creates free radicals. Most people know that free radicals cause many diseases including cancer, but few people understand why.
Free radicals are caused when our cells replicate under stress. They are free radicals because they are missing an electron and are essentially floating around the body free of any specific purpose. The missing electron makes them unstable. So, they take an electron from another cell in our body. A free radical may borrow an electron from any healthy cell in our body. Then our healthy cells become unstable. This is called oxidative stress.
It is the same process that causes a cut apple to brown when you leave it exposed to the air. An apple has enzymes called phenols. When exposed to the air, they bond with oxygen electrons and the apple cells start to break down. That is why they turn brown.
Free radicals cause our cells to break down and oxidize in exactly the same way. We may not be able to see our cells turn brown; however, the physical symptoms we can feel are very real — cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, chronic fatigue- just to name a few. In fact, free radicals are linked to almost every single disease in our bodies.
If you are still reading, you probably understand oxidative stress is a huge problem. Fortunately, glutathione can reduce oxidative stress in our body.
Glutathione is an enzyme comprised of three amino acids: glutamine, glycine, and cysteine. During a complex chemical process, they bind with the extra electron in free radicals and convert free radicals to water so you can easily eliminate it from your body. This protects your healthy cells by shielding them from the harmful effects of free radicals.
Proactively adding a glutathione boost to your iv vitamin drip can reduce the number of free radicals in your body and reduce your risk of the diseases they cause.
Glutathione Reduces Inflammation!

To understand how glutathione can help us release inflammation, we must first understand exactly what it is. Everybody knows when they feel inflamed! Our skin may be red, tender to the touch, swollen or warm. Our stomachs may feel bloated and our joints achy. But many people don’t know why.
On a biological level, inflammation occurs when our bodies release our white blood cells into our bloodstreams in order to protect our tissues from foreign substances. The white blood cells attack foreign substances and destroy them so they can be eliminated from our body.
In order to make white blood cells, our bodies require glutathione. Often our bodies are overtaxed and can’t make enough glutathione to fight off diseases. As a result, our bodies remain in a chronic state of inflammation. Even something as simple as a workout can be difficult to recover from when our bodies are not producing enough glutathione to adequately support our white blood cells.
When we supplement with glutathione, it boosts our immune system to make more white blood cells. This allows our bodies to more effectively fight off the foreign substances keeping our bodies’ in a chronic state of inflammation.
Glutathione Can Reverse Some of the Visible Effects of Aging!

By now you probably understand why glutathione is called the mother of all antioxidants. A mother can make dinner, change a diaper and negotiate a contract. A mother is a protector, provider, friend and lover at all once! Like a mother, glutathione can simultaneously perform many different functions. In fact, it is the only antioxidant that can be recycled and reused by our bodies.
We just learned above that glutathione assists with oxidative stress by preventing cells from breaking down in the body. We talked about oxidative stress and inflammation causing disease and discomfort.
It is also responsible for all of the symptoms we call aging. The truth is we have really just assigned the term aging to the cellular breakdown of our bodies that we can see and feel in the absence of disease.
The story we tell is as we get older, our skin begins to wrinkle, we get aging spots on our skin, our hair turns grey hair, we have aches and pains because our bones and muscles start to break down, we gain weight and have less energy. But this is just a story we tell ourselves. These symptoms are not a result of getting older, they are a result of oxidative stress causing our cells to break down.
Glutathione doesn’t prevent you from getting older. But, it will alleviate a lot of the unpleasant symptoms associated with aging. In fact, glutathione can help make sure you continue aging for a long time to come while looking and feeling incredible in the process.
The fact that we have to slow down, experience aches and pains and turn into prunes as we age is simply not true. Glutathione helps us both look and feel more youthful. It can improve our skin, hair, and nails on the outside while making us feel amazing on the inside.
How incredible would it be if at 55 you can feel as youthful and free as you did at 25? Glutathione can make that possible.
Glutathione is Powerful Detoxifier

There should be no surprise that we are exposed to way more toxins than is good for our bodies. There are toxins in the air we breathe food, we eat and water we drink. Even when we make good choices, we can only reduce and not eliminate our exposure to toxins. We cannot control the pollutants in the air we breathe, the types of cleaning products the stores and restaurants we frequent use, whether our local communities decide to drop pesticides for mosquitoes via airplane and sometimes even how clean the water is that we have access to for bathing and brushing our teeth.
No matter what we do, we will be exposed the toxins. Our bodies are equipped with systems for getting the toxins out of our body through our kidneys, liver, small intestines and large intestines. Our bodies release the toxins through our urine, fecal matter and sweat. The problem is we are inundating bodies with toxins and they just can’t keep up. The toxins begin to accumulate. A traditional blood test may even miss them because they tend to hide in our fat, organs and even bones.
One of the most prevalent forms of toxicity in the body is heavy metal toxicity.
Many people suffer from symptoms of heavy metal toxicity and just don’t realize it. Symptoms include:
- Fatigue
- Neurological disorders
- GI & kidney dysfunction
- Thyroid problems
- Developmental delays
- Respiratory issues
- Metallic taste in the mouth
- Anemia
- Stroke
- Diabetes
- Skin disorders
- Cardiovascular disease
- Osteoporosis
- Cancer
- Loss of memory/brain fog
- Mood swings
- Muscle tremors
If you are suffering from any of the symptoms above, heavy metal toxicity could be a contributing factor.
Glutathione can help support your body to release toxins including heavy metals when your body is exposed to more than it can handle.
Glutathione binds with the heavy metals allowing your body to excrete them more easily. Many times, once the toxins are out of your body, the symptoms are reversed.
Glutathione truly can be the answer to almost any problem. No matter what iv drip you choose to get, adding glutathione as a boost can significantly boost the benefit you receive.
When booking your appointment at LiVenUp or when receiving your IV drip, simply ask one of our nurses about our glutathione boost.
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